Wedding Baby Social Business Design Studio

Fall/Winter 2010 Letterpress Workshop schedule:

Letterpress Workshop - November 13, 2010, 10-4 pm
Class is Currently Open.
Letterpress Workshop - December 11, 2010, 10-4 pm
Class is Currently Open.

Beginning Letterpress Printing

Learn the basic principles of letterpress printing on the Vandercook cylinder proof press. Brief history of printing, mixing inks, selecting paper and hand-setting type will be covered. You will be able to set and print your own form! No experience necessary! See past workshops, photos of our work and studio on our blog.

The cost of this workshop is $75 per person and must be paid upfront at time of registration. Classes are limited to 6 people to give you the most in-depth experience. Call (716) 832-1902 to register or email us at .

These workshops tend to fill quickly so please make your booking as early as possible to insure your place.

Custom Invitations